It’s official
In early December we received a letter from the IRS that states we have been approved as a 501 (C)(3) organization making us exempt from federal income tax. This was a critical bridge that needed to be crossed to continue in the direction that we wanted to go.
In the early stages of setting up this organization we wrestled with either making Lehigh Valley Rescue an LLC or a 501 (C)(3). Ultimately, based on our principals we determined that we were going to continue to do this with little to no costs to anyone and that a 501 (C)(3) would be the better direction for us.
We want the ability to bring personnel together, provide the best training that we can without having to worry about money. We want personnel to come out and learn new things, meet new people, try new tools, take home tips, and tricks that they may have picked up. Ultimately, we want to promote an environment where personnel attending our events is comfortable to ask questions, try new things, start new relationships, and strengthen old ones.
In order for us to provide training and host these events we do have some overhead. Everyone, that is involved is not making any money, at some point it would be great if Lehigh Valley Rescue could reimburse them for their time, but we are not there yet. These guys are all professionals that have a tremendous amount of experience in different areas. They all enjoy what they do and enjoy training.
The vision is that we will start to build a cache of equipment, we would like to have our own rescue mannequins, some of our own tools, and the ability to bring in other tools as needed. On top of this we need to have insurance for the group, we need to pay for this website, among other things. This is where the 501 (C)(3) comes in. As a 501 (C)(3) we have the ability to ask for donations that are 100% tax deductible. Any money that we receive will be put back into the organization. Additionally, it would be incredible if Lehigh Valley Rescue could somehow assist local departments with the purchase of tools on their trucks. It would be incredible if Lehigh Valley Rescue could bring in industry leaders to train personnel in different areas. The volunteer personnel protecting the people of the Lehigh Valley is dwindling. We would like to do our part in trying to ensure the personnel that are showing up in your time of need are equipped and have the knowledge to do the job.
On top of this as a 501 (C)(3) we have the ability to apply for grants. Grants are not guaranteed, but if we can apply and maybe fund some of items that we would like to purchase it will enhance the experience overall.
Again, between donations and grants all of the money that is collected will in one way or another go back into the organization and in short will assist us provide a better product for anyone that has interest in becoming part of the Lehigh Valley Rescue community.
If you are interested in donating or working with us please reach out to us via the contact section on this website or you can email us directly by clicking the below button.