Firefighter in Distress Incidents: Procedure and Tactics
Introducing Lehigh Valley Rescue
Lehigh Valley Rescue started in 2022 in an effort to bring more realistic, second level training to the fire service and we stay true to this vision today.
Like many great topics, this particular presentation started as a conversation at a firehouse kitchen table. A fire company designing their first Heavy Duty Rescue made a comment that they may not take their HDR to fire calls, which led to a larger discussion of the importance of having specialized apparatus, tools, and trained fire fighters at an incident where multiple fire fighters have become trapped. That initial discussion and its implications are the foundation for this presentation.
Like everything that is successful in the fire service, this presentation was created with the collaboration of many different individuals with diverse firefighting experiences. We sought out and embraced feedback from respected names and organizations in the RIT community in an effort to make our message more powerful and clear.
What we’ll cover during the half day session:
In this presentation we will discuss how to plan for a firefighter in distress incident that is above a typical Rapid Intervention Team’s capability, specifically:
· The five layers of firefighter removal
· Communicating expectations to your RIT
· How to operate when the incident is above RIT’s capabilities
· Special apparatus, equipment, resources, and trained firefighters required for these incidents
· A planned response for confirmed firefighter in distress incidents
About the presenter:
Rob Macchia has over 20 years of experience in the fire service, both as a volunteer in his local community, and serving in the FDNY. He started his FDNY career in Ladder 23 in Harlem, then retired with 8 years in Rescue 1 in Midtown.
Rob has served as an infantryman in the United States Marine Corps and has over 20 years’ experience as a building contractor. He credits these experiences, and the practical skills they developed as invaluable during his firefighting career. Rob also holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Temple University.
More information and instructions on how to sign up for this event can be found by clicking on the the button below or going to
Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) Training w\Residential Collapse Scenario
Often overlooked or an afterthought, but what happens if you need them, and they are not there or if they are there but don’t have the training to successfully do the job. As a RIT team or member of a RIT team you are obligated to have a level of knowledge and training that allows you to understand the risks, and to perform with one purpose, rescuing a downed firefighter. Are you or your team up for the task? As a RIT Team or member of a RIT Team would you want you coming to your rescue?
On November 3rd, 2024, we will be hosting a RIT class at the Forks Township training facility. This all-day class will focus on RIT and your ability to work as an individual and as a team. The day will consist of attendees rotating between 3 stations, concluding with an all-hands residential collapse scenario. Each station will consist of 3 instructors allowing us to provide focused , experienced based training that attendees will certainly benefit from giving them tools, and techniques to bring back to their own departments.
Click the + for additional detail:
Thank You for your interest in training with Lehigh Valley Rescue. Lehigh Valley Rescue is a non-profit organization that focuses on training emergency services personal. Being a Non-Profit organization any classes that you donate to can be used towards your annual taxes, please keep receipts. If needed again, please email
It is highly recommended that you have taken and completed a Firefighter 1 class and have some form of RIT training.
Due to a recent donation from The John Kalynych foundation we have decided to pay it forward and offer this class for FREE.
Gear Required:
Full PPE will be needed for this event
SCBA and Spare Cylinder – We will have a cascade on location
This class will not consist of live fire evolutions
It is November, if it is determined that it is too cold, snowing, or raining a decision will be made the day before to postpone the event.
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided
Water stations will also be setup
EMS will be on location for the day
Day of Logistics:
Form - Hold Harmless will be signed
Form – Gear inspection, sign off
Parking outside the gate
T-Shirts, challenge coins, and mugs will be available for sale
Hold Harmless, Lite Breakfast Provided
About LVR – Instructor Introduction
Health and safety – EMS on Location
“Code Red” – Training Stops\Instructors and EMS Respond
Tool Lab, Personal Tools, packaging, webbing, etc.
Attendees will rotate between 3 stations:
Station 1
A: Scenario is that of a downed Firefighter. The Firefighter has been located on the second floor within a confined space, mobility is limited. As a member of a RIT team your team will be activated to extricate the downed firefighter via a second-floor window.
B: Overview and integration of a FAST board and RIT Pack. Focus on packaging, movement, communication, and extrication via a second-floor window.
Station 2
A: Scenario is that of a downed Firefighter. The Firefighter has been located on a stairwell; mobility is limited. As a member of a RIT team your team will be activated to extricate the downed firefighter building a 2:1 mechanical advantage with a rescue rope.
B: Overview of mask confidence, air management, and proper radio procedures. When it comes to firefighter removal there are no shortcuts, repetition is the key to building competence.
Station 3
A: Scenario is that of a downed Firefighter. The Firefighter has been located in the basement, your only means of extrication is via a basement window. As a member of a RIT team your team will be expected to enter the basement window extricate the downed firefighter and self-extricate yourself and team.
B: Overview of self-extrication techniques via a window; to include windows hangs and firefighter headfirst ladder slide.
As attendees enjoy lunch, we will have an interactive discussion about collapse, entrapment, and medical concerns at a dwelling fire. This will be in preparation for the final station. We will close discussing the expectations during the final collapse station.
A residential collapse has occurred trapping various members from the first due engine and truck. Under the direction of a Command structure attendees will be divided into multiple RIT teams working in conjunction with each other to perform multiple rescues. Various methodologies and specialized tools, including breaching, cutting, and lifting will be integrated into this station to allow attendees to enhance their skills. This station is also designed to provide firefighters with an understanding of how demanding logistics and communications can be at a residential collapse.
Instructor Feedback
Attendee\Gear Check

Lehigh Valley Rescue is heading to Lehigh County
On September 12th we will be heading to Yocum’s Towing and Recovery for a rescue lab evening. The evening will be broken into a couple of different stations. The goal of the evening is as follows:
Become familiar or to increase your familiarity with Yocum’s capabilities.
Do you know what your neighboring Fire\Rescue Department is carrying on their rescue piece? Now is a good time to figure that out.
Rescue Skills, How good are they? We will have multiple scenarios setup to allow participants to get hands on with either your equipment or your neighbors.
Out on the streets at 3:00am is not the time to determine what your neighbor is carrying, how to use tools or how the Yocum team can assist you. The time is now, to challenge ideas and learn what does and doesn’t work.
This is a free event, but we would appreciate if you can please sign up to give us an idea of how many people will be attending.
Timeline of events:
18:00 – Introduction
18:15 – Show and Tell - Available Rescues
18:45 - The Yocum Experience
19:30 - Scenarios
21:00 – Clean up
Things to note:
Start Time: 18:00
Gear: turnout gear, rescue\USAR, eye protection, steel toed boots, gloves, helmets
A hold harmless will be required at time of check in.
Thank You!
Lehigh Valley Rescue

Airbags and More
On May 23rd we will focus on airbags and alternate lifting methods. We will start the night by spending some time to review these different tools and their capabilities. It is extremely important to understand what it means when an airbag has 10-ton, 20-ton, or 30-ton stamped on it. Can you lift this much and if so, how high? What about cribbing? Can a standard piece of 4” X 4” cribbing carry the load of a 10-ton, 20-ton, or 30-ton airbag? We will cover this along with utilizing other tools including bottle jacks and Paratech struts.
This will be a hands-on class and to ensure all participants get adequate time we are limiting the attendance to 50. If there is enough interest, we will do another class later on down the road.
Timeline of events:
18:00 – Introduction
18:15 – Tool Lab
19:00 – Break up into scenarios
21:00 – Clean up
Things to note:
Address: Palmer Township Training Grounds, 1391 Lehigh Dr, Easton PA 18045
(See attached map)
Start Time: 18:00
Donation: $20.00 per person
Gear: turnout gear, rescue\USAR, eye protection, steel toed boots, gloves, helmets
A hold harmless will be required at time of check in.
Lehigh Valley Rescue is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization that operates solely off of donations. These donations are currently being used to cover operational expenses that we are incurring (i.e. Insurance, website, etc), but will help us with equipment we would like to purchase, and classes going forward. Our instructors are not being paid for their time and expertise.
We are requesting all that are attending to sign up on our website by clicking on the blue button above or below. A small $20 dollar donation is requested and can be paid at the door. This is a requested donation. No firefighter will be denied entry if they do not have the means for the donation.
Thank You!
Lehigh Valley Rescue

Firefighter in distress incidents. How we view it, prepare for it, and respond to it. Facilitated by two retired members of FDNY Rescue 1.
On May 13, 2024, at 18:45hrs (Doors open at 18:00) Lehigh Valley Rescue will be presenting Firefighter in distress incidents. How we view it, prepare for it, and respond to it. Facilitated by two retired members of FDNY Rescue 1.
During this in-depth presentation, we’ll introduce the concept of a firefighter in distress incident as a rescue discipline. Featured topics include:
Five layers of Firefighter removal
Proactive RIT\FAST
Developing a plan to have the right additional resources immediately dispatched once a confirmed firefighter in distress incident occurs
Developing specialized apparatus with the right tools and equipment that would assist the RIT teams if they required additional resources
Deploying at a complex firefighter removal using a six-sided approach
Conducting an honest assessment of your capabilities as a RIT team
Clarifying with your RIT team the expectations you have for them
We will also focus on leadership and mentoring in an effort to continuously evolve the firehouse culture and our attitude towards firefighter in distress incidents and mayday responses.
Lehigh Valley Rescue is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization that operates solely off of donations. These donations are currently being used to cover operational expenses that we are incurring (i.e. Insurance), but will help us with equipment we would like to purchase, and classes going forward. Our instructors are not being paid for their time and expertise.
We are requesting all that are attending to sign up on our website by clicking on the blue button above or below. A small $20 dollar donation is requested and can be paid at the door. This is a requested donation. No firefighter will be denied entry if they do not have the means for the donation.
Anyone with an open mind and a willingness to learn is welcome to attend.
Lehigh Valley Rescue would like to extend a special thank you to West Trenton Vol FC No. 1, Ewing Township FD, Prospect Heights Vol. Fire Company No. 1, Slackwood Fire Co, Lawrenceville FC, Lawrence Road Fire Co. for hosting this event.
West Trenton Volunteer FC No. 1 Ballroom, 40 West Upper Ferry Road, Ewing Township, NJ, 08628
Thank You!
Lehigh Valley Rescue.

Firefighter in Distress incidents
Firefighter in distress incidents. How we view it, prepare for it, and respond to it. Facilitated by two retired members of FDNY Rescue 1.
Lehigh Valley Rescue would like to invite you to a night of remembrance for John Kalynych.